Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Work (S.T.E.N.)

TURIN in 1911, SECOND TOUR ROUND THE TOWN 1vlorning - Piazza Castello - Piazza Statuto - Piazza Solferino. "\\Te take a.s our starting point piazza. Castello ancl crossing the Roya.I Sqn<>re (between the Royal palace ou the right, aucl tbe Chablais palace on tbe l eft,) we anwe at : PIAZZA SAN GIOVA~Kl. Ca\hedral of 1492-1498, by Meo clel Caprino fl orentino . From the transept to tbe Cba1iel of Holy-Shroucl of 1694, uy Guarini. From Pia,1,7,a Sau Giovanni tnrn to the right by via Venli Seltembre anrl then to the left Uy the Corso Regina Margherita,, when " .,.e n.rrive in a fe1v minutes at t he Square Eman'llele F ·ili!Jerto (large central markot of the tow·n). On 1he way, turning a little to t he left , ,-..e see clo"e Uy the Porta, Palatina, built by the Romans in 723 afte r tbe fountlatiou of Rome; restored. PtAZZA PALAZZO DI C IT1.'_.\, .E'rom the centre of the Square Emanuele Filiberto by via Milano (to tbe left) a sho rt <list:ince leads to the l'oiun Hall, on the Sqm.re Palazzo cli Citta . Monmnent of t,he Count Vert (Amede,1s VI, 1366), by Palagi; Town Ha11 of 165!), b_v Lan.franchi. VIA GARIBALDI. 'l'he Sqna.re Pa.la.1,zo di Cittn. i s in communica.tiou, by tho <.lorcacles, with viu Oaribaldi, one of the most important of the tow·u for its length of 1045 m. , f'or the regularity of the buildiugs a.ncl tbe bea.utifnl shops. 'l'nru to the right. Curiosities on tbe wa..r: on tho 1ert tbe Sa,int Ma1·tyrs' Ch11rch, 1575, by l'ibalcli (tomb of Joseph De j)faistre); Ofl the 1·ight the Church of San D ahnazzo. A little fnr ther on, ou the right by via Oonsola,ta, a.ml Piazza, Sam,ia visit the Cluuoh of the Consolata, 16th. centtuy, by Guarini, with a belfry of 10th. ceut,u y (distance 10 minutes). Via Garih<>lcli ends at: P1AZZA STATU'r 0 (2l,OOU sq.m .). Iu the centre a. monument erected iu memory of the opening of the Frejus tu,n1u l, 187!). At the ba.ck, view of the Alps. PIAZZA S01.FEIUNO. From Piazza Statuto Uy the tn1.ms Linea clei Viuli crossing Piazza Sa,n Martino (L7,000 sq. rn. , sta •ion of Porta Susa), aucl continuing via, Cernaia (Barracks), length 870 m., wirltb 201 one arrives very soon a,t Piaiza Solferino. Passing a.t the corner of vfrl. Cerna.ta. and Corso Siccanli you i:;ee the monument Of Pietro Uicca, 1864, sculptor Cassano, and the Keep of the C,tt,J della, the ancient fortress of the town, rest.orecl 1RG31 wbicll now cont<>ins the Nationnl j)fosemn of .Artillery (open from JO A.hl. to 12, ancl from 2 to 4 P.M.) . For permission apply to the director of the .A.rsem,1 24, via. Arsenale . The Piazza Solfel'ino (24.000 s .q.) is one of the most modern and elee-aut of the tow·n . :Eqnestrian mouum,-u1t of Ferdinancl, Duke of Genoa (sculptor Balzico, 1877). Altieri !J'heatre, which can accommod:1te 2000 spectators. From Piazza. Solferino one can cootinne to the Central station l>y the same tram of Linea (l e i V iali , wh ic h takes the A.venues Re Um,IJerto anrl Vittnrio 1:),,nctnuele Il, or return to pia'l,r.a Castello by the arcades of via Pietro 1llicca. T UHIN · The Valentin Castle (1650). 12 A/Zei·noon - The Museums - The Exhibition. b '1'~ P~-in!'ipal Museums are in the _Palazzo .Accaclemia clelle Scienze (of 1678 Y Ut'I 1'1it) ~ucl 111 the Palazzo Oang11ano in the centre of tJ1e towu (?. mi~ ~~(tet ;ron: P iazza Castello by Via .A ccade1r1,ia delle Scienze to Pia.z1,a Cario~nauo ' . j Vi~ C<irlo .ii lberto - or by tho soutb arcades ancl the Galleria Subal• pi,~a, of 1814, architect Carrem - to Pio.zza Carlo Alberto). hEG!A PIKACO'l'ECA (Picture Gall ery). - 4, Via .Accarlemia clelle Scienze 2ucls flodL. Open evor_y clay from 9 A.l\L to 4 P.M., 1 franc; entrance fre~ on un ay~ from 1 P. ~- to 4 P . .M.i catalog ue. 'l'be Ga.ll erv contains more ~hat'h 600 p1 ct'.u·ea of a ncient art. l'~nmrkahle chiefly for the i'ooms cleclicatecl 8° 1 painte1s of Dutch an(l Flem,ish schools. Pictures by Gandtmzio Ferlad a.--so e1Tato, Albani , Dolci, Paolo Veronese, Canaletto, Bassano, Raffaello' Van ~yck, Rembrandt, Rt1bens, Potter, H.uysclael, 1\lemmlin<T, Teniers etc.' cleff"UtE.'!1'1 0.F EG~l' 'l'I.AN ANO Ro~U.N-GREEK ..A.N'l'IQUI'l'IES. ~ Via.Acc~clemia. e meuze, 4. G1ouncl floor <>ncl 1st. floor• opeu from 9 A M. to 4 p M l fra,}ctb eutrarc? free 011 ~unda.,rs. Tbe M~1seum of Eg-ypti~Ll ~ntiqniti~s i·; o~e~ 0 _ ~ ~~~OS llUJIOdant lll :Europe. On the ground floor, colossal statues off ~?sost11s : ou the 1st. Jloor celehratocl coll ect ion of papvrus (,·oyal papyn<R 0. . i~rin,_ Book of the d~ad1 etc.). Among the other coliections a. sei-i es of etntscan vas~s :.tLlCl a. calnoet of nieclals of 25.000 Greek and Roman coins . ~:ALAZZO 0.AUIGNANO . Tbe Ca.rignauo palace, front lti SO bv o ,uarini on the Caiig_uano S~~1are, mo~lern fron~ 1864-1874, by Bolloti and 1i'erro 1 on tbe C:.ulo .All~e i to Sqna,Le, contams the historical ha.II of mrethws of the House of De puties (184ti-1864) aucl tbe NATURAL Il1STOltY l\IUSEUM. The Museums ar~ ?ren eve1y_clay, except OU Mon,lays, from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M.. (entrance free.( lbe collect,~n s embmce the Zoulogical ilfoseu,n (more than 300.000 SJI CCirn ens; n_ote the g1e~t saloon, 8 m. b1gb)1 the c01nparecl Anatom,y .iJiuseu'ln (4000 s pe- ~i:.~~;. Mineral M1tseu,n (18.000 pieces) aucl Geology and Paleontology 1 ~!-fSEGO Civrco. 'l'be to,~n l\Iuseum i s clivi,lecl into two parts: ancient a,·t , . 1a . ande_nz10 Ferran, near the Mole Antooell iaoa, ancl niodern art 30' c01s0 S1ccanh, near the monument of Victor E m,manuel JI (35 m b'' {T b ' JS l!J, , sctLlp~r Costa). 'l'be two Museums are open evury clay from !) .A M~o t~ 4 P.M._,. e1:1t.1a uce 1 franc i_ e n t rance free on Thursdays a nd Sundays. A.mon ~,e, c uuos ,ties of the A n c1_e11t A1-t M,1s~um notice tbe large ,nc,8s'.book Dell~ ,o, eie M tbe 15th. ~entllly, the collect1on of purcelain, of cloths, the fra~- ments ot the ohou-, rn carvecl wood, of the Abbey of Sta.ffctrcla of the 15111 Century. ' On leaving the inocl ~rn ar t Museum we follow to the ,-ight (several tram l ~n~s) tJie Corso Vittorio Em,anit~le, a magnificent boulevard of 48 m in width, ,Eih,~h . leads to the ceutml station allCl to tbe entmuce of the luternational 1 x.b1b1t10u : see pages 4-7. Tuurn • Royal Basilica of Snperga. 13