Turin 1911: International Exhibition of Industries and Work (S.T.E.N.)

TQRIN in 1911. FIRST TOUR ROUND THE TOWN Morning - Central Station - Piazza Castello. PL\ZZA CARLO FELICE (17 .000 sq.m.). Central stat ion or Porta, .Y. .U,ova1 constnwtefl in 1865-1868. Bea,ntifnl ga.rden ,vith a \Jasin aud fonnt:iin; Uefore the rniliu.:;s, monumen t of Jla ssi1no cl 'Azeglio (sculptor Balzico, 1S73). A.t the end of tho Sll lUl. l'O comrnonces: VIA R OJlA, form er!,- S •U,'JVCt,, tracecl in 1615 on t he plans of T"'ittozzi. On the le ft at t he co rner of \·ia. Arci voscova.clo is the Uc,lleria, ~Xazionctle, coverecl 1ias:-;age (1S7Q1 - a.rehi tect Riccio). V ia Roma . crosses t ho. : P 1AZZ.\ SAK CAH.LO (l:!,750 sq.n1.). Notice tho e l ega.nce of the houses , "·hich snn·o LuHl i t. On the right, Santa, l'rislina, Church (front of I71 S, hy Juva,ra): on t-,he l eft San Carlo Church. Iu the centre t.ho l.H·ouz.e s tatue of E~mnctnU,t l J hii'ibert, Drtke of S,woy (1528-1580), m"s t erpi ece ol' the sculptor j)forocdwtti (lS:), ). A..t 11 . 5, . the seat of the .Acca.demict 1;,ilan nanica, one of the hest ul nbs of t he town . Via. Romn. run s <.tlong t he Galleria, Geisser, cov orecl passage constr uctecl in 1S5S, :mcl ends at : PtAZZ.\ CASTELLO (38.000 sq.m,), t he centre of the town. In t he mi<l<ll e of tlie sq uare is the Caslle1 which gives the name to t he place. l\Iarble fron t (west side) and in the i ns ide r e1narkable s taircase l>y Juvct,rcr,_ HaJl histori cal fo1· the meetings of the Senate (1S4S-1SG4}. Before t he west fron t , is a. statu e 1·epresenting a. n ollice r of the Sarclinian Anny (sculptor 17ela, , 1857); on th o sonth sifl e, t he rnonnme nt of Ga,lileo Perrct,ris (sculptor Oontrct,tti , 1002). 11'0 t he no r th of the Castl e, is the noyal P alace, of 164G (open eve ry cla., from n ...::.\..:UL to 5 P .ll.; gate b_y Palagi, Casto r an d Pollux in bronze by Sangiorr,io). In the inter i01· noti ce the stairs, w ith pictures ,incl statues of tho princes of t he Honse of Savoy, t he Swiss Hall, t ho l'hrone Room, t l10 Chin ese Cabinet with frescoes \Jy J1ea,'l.(,1nont. 'fhe r oya.l garden is not open g:enera.lly e xcept iD the summer on Snncla.ys for concer ts a ncl popul:1.L· fest,i vals. .A.<ljoining t he Royal Pa.lace at n . 13 Pin.1,za Castello , tho Gallery of Arms (Armeria R ea le), t he most complete in Enrope, open a ll wee k days from !) A.M . to :J P.::U. : to ga in a.dm it t~ioce free, app l.v to the sec1·etary; entran ce free on holi tlays, from l l .A..:::M:. to 3 P .nr. : cata log ue. Continuing t he wa lk through the a rea.des, a.t t he north east coTner, th e :l'eal;-o R egio of 173S, formerly the Court Th ea.tre, whi c h can accommorlato 3000 :;pectn.tors . · The arcades of Pia.zza Castello bet"~een via. Ga. riba.lrli a.ncl ,·ia, Po have splendicl s hops and are .a. favourite w,i lk1 especially iu winter and the e ve nin g. TnE PALAGI> o ,, BELOW.\! (In te rnatio nal Exhillition). l O Afternoon - Via Po - Monte dei Cappuccini - Exhibition. V I A Po . Notice the ben,ntiftll view of the street borde1-ed ou uotli sides by ,ucMles, with the dome of t h e Grnu Ma,lre ,li Dio Churc li an<l t he mass of grneu bills which are rni se<l at the lmck, at 1 km . distance. ·walking along via Po, yott see ou the l eft at n. J7 the Unive,·sily P ala ce (1713, remai·kable cou rt-yarcl aucl gallery are to be noticecl; on t he first floor the Na,tional Li/Jra,ry , with more than 300 .000 vol umes, open rrom n .A.M. to 4 P.M.). .A.t the cor ner o f via Mont ebello, alwtiys k eeping to th e le ft , tnrn vis it t he Mole A.ntonel,Uana, 164 m. high, th e most ctujous bul ldin~ of th e town , a.n<l the bjghest in brickwork of tlJe w·orlcl, architect .Antonelli, who began j t in 1863, and ·who gave it bi s on.me (one can monnt 1040 steps any da,y from D A . :M. to 5 P .M. ; e n t r ance Fr. 0,50, m<.tg oi ficeut view). PIAZZA VI'l'l'ORJO E,IANUELE I (34 .000 s'[ .m,), constructe,l in 1815-1825 , remarkable as much for its size as for tho vi ew it ofl'ors of the Po and of the h ill s, :.incl from whe1·0 you see i n front th e Gran ]I adre cli Dio Church , on the Tight the .ilionte dei Oav1mccini, and on the left , the Stiverya Bas'ilic<t . .At tl10 end of the sc1,1at'O, we cross tho Po by the Vittorio Emanuele I bri dge, w ith 5 a1·ches1 150 1n . in leng th a.ad 13 in widt h . On the other s ide of the Po is a 1narbl e statue of K ing Vi ctor-Em,1ncH1,iwl I (sculptor Gayyini), au,l Grnn .iUa,ire di Dio Chnrch , Cl'ected iu 1814 as a r e - membrance of tho Res toratiou, i n th e sty le of tho Pantheon, wHh a. d iameter of 21 ID, (arch itect Bonsignore). Taking the road to the right by via Monca,lieri, you immecliatEi ly arrivo at t he foot (funiClll"r all days , Fr. 0,15 rntnrn) of the : MONTE DE r 0AP1TCCINI (283 m. h igh), w·itb a fa iry view of the town a.nd cb"iu of the A lps. Capuciu Chmch 16 ll , lly Vittozzi . Near the Church and Convent , i s tbe Obser vatory of the It:1liau .Alpine Clttll , wit h A lp ine i\Iu seu1 11 ancl telescope (entrance 40 centi mes ou week cl::Lys a.ncl 25 centi mes ou holidays). R etnrni ng from Mon t e clei Cappucci n i to the ceutra.l station we ca.n go Uy t he \muk of the Po, coming back ou t he le ft bank lly ouo of t he two ur idgoij Vittorio En1,a,n1tcle I 01· Vm,berto I , aucl goiog by way of Co rso Vittorio Emanuele. !l'he Avenue goes along the Val entine Park ctnd the main entra'ilce gate to the Nalion<tl Exhibition (see vayes 4-7). T URIN . Vi ttorio Emanuel e I Bridge. 11