Dun's Review, International Edition: October 1911

abown In ••II•• ope•alloo. In tb!o bolldlog m••1 u\\ono R•t-log b\1 COUfN w,-..,d ,bo mol• •nlune• a\ 1h• h•lngHparal•P••IHon,ollb•1••••••••Prom1oen\)y Humbonll:lr1dg1,bntno•' oplhorlgh1b&nkoftb1r!•er, ;:i:-:'.ed, lnclod!ng Eoglond. Franeo. Onjny an~ ::.~!;'.,';~.•1 ~~)~::~ ,~~~~:~~:!'~~:•~= ;; 1:~1:•;; Cl-17 oonneci.<I wllb ,bo m,..b!netJ bnlldlng 1• 1bo by • eonl!onoo, aerloo of foroin pulllooo. Tbe ftnt of Xowopaper B•l\d1n!{. Th!o !o 1ntondod io i,, • perm ■nonl tb no !o II tbo INbeU. Bridge, diroctly •f•- lhe Po lrom , llruetnn,. bo\n!{ bolliofro\nforoodcourete,nd0<cupln tb•f.og\!obPo•lllonalroadydeecr1bed,1.ndl1devo<6d10 an an,a of 6000 oqu1r1 moUlro. T bo Hb1blto rop\NtDt 1ho ublbh10IS1fl·l1 The ■ tylo of .,cblt1Ctor1> la aom•• lb•ootir1>pr0<M1of tbom.onl&c\oro,fpaper ._d the • :::::1o::f i,'!:I~! :ml•~!:, ft:i~hb:~::=t1;r1D:I\!: -., pn-o,obo•n In •c1u.\operat1on. r.vorydepaitmont•I • m,>dero nu•opaper \1 Hblblled, 1oelnd(ng ibo work of ro porlert, edl,o'ro, proofroodero, e\o.,ao ,.,u .. the mo ob101oalop,r•1l••••llheoompoolD!{ ..dprenroom,. , In • ddhloo to lbo,o dloplayo monynblbh•orancl •nt prln\10 11 ••ro•howo1nthe !.led\oulC!ty.•lto11e ,lnoarby. Th• toppllor1or1bono•1p1porbo1ldrngcon1&!Dodolargo • •~~:'i:e;::~d~~::i11::!;:~;j, tbo p&.-11100 of f.nglind. of•blob1bo ma in front fac•• 1bo mon•mfD••llon otalnof <h• l8'JSnblbl1!onaadovor look•1b o Rl..rPo,8o,.1n1r • abort dlllanoe 1><,yood. lfbl\o 1bl1 pa•llloo, forming altoge,hertbroelarge,ectlon,bn1lt1ronnd•·• •• ••alf)Oon, .... oDe or 1ho lar_.eu ud moot lmpo,,101 of tbo' onti,e npooltlon-occup)'!D_. 20.000 ,qn• re melero !o 111- lbo ub1bltool RrlU,b mannl••••nroand morcb• o1a.-ereby oomeano conh•dtolt,m ■ niEogllohdlopl1J1belngobo"" !on,arly O•o,70<01100 Oo\hloblllkoftbo Po•oN &l..,•numborofothorno" worthyublbhlou, loolndlng tbo permOllont lloMllo..l Chy aodMed!oval Cha""o,rltbtbelr!ote,eollngdiopl•ya !llno• m111 .. or ,hellf•••deootom1ofth•Mldal1Agu. Aom.all J>ll• ll100 ""' devoted 1<1 \be oo.. romeot mooopo11.. of oalt. quloloe aod 1obauo, ~bile oep• ,110 P••lllono, e&cb ln thi oiylo ol 1he 01<10011 auhltecla,.., con,aloed •h• uh!b!I& of Torte, and 1lD10!1. One of lbe moot ln,- pnnaoio! 1bo dlopl a10 lr1 ibolauer bnlldl•g .-.. 1htof • lluN!•n-Amerlcan ,nbbormODnlao\orJ omplo 11og mote lbanlO,OOOworkmon. OolbONmob■nk•ltboPo,bn•at aomod1at•uco beyond •h o Corao D•oleand the loabe la Brld~•·"•"' • l•uai.<tonn oberolotborbulldlog•,l•olndlng lb• p1vlllonM1h• Pto•looo of Turln and of H,ih<ay MatorlaloodPubllcWorka. Tbell•ll"OJIID l\dlr·g.•bl<b ... ,b&llfl[<llOftb!ogroop.eoota\uedosblbltoule•erJ• wbot B1nn<lne ud the nblbll& hero ,ho.-n roprfflnt DrlDc!p11lJ \bo ll a1uralprodue1&01tboun••ry,!oclodlog Ito .., ..1, ..... ,11~. rru1,,. ..1net1nd ml•Or&II. l\oll lo ibl1,tud1tb•p.. l11onofSlom,d•ol11o•dto repr-n\a S\ameHl•mple,and eoot.alolnj1•poclmon1ol moot ol\bo Dllural1odmoonlae1u....tprodoe\loftb•l«10Dtry. Tblo pull1onoecupl"••paoool8001QUfOmo1ero,wb1letbn of8e,.J1l1 ol1bon1tboumoolu. • Tbonon pa,lllooontbebankoof•bePu!o tbat ol 1h1 Unhod StatN, •blob ounp1" aom• 6,0('(I •qnore molero 1mn11,a1<doopogo33). O•lngio•be !allnroofCoogmi , topN1•!de•lo,1rorappr<1prl•l1on.ne!tbertblobol!dloKIIOf U1cont<Dto111"ord edanad,qu atof0p,..entatlonol1b1!n• dnolf!alpro1r011of,boUDli.<t8u'":oro! lto!rlond• blp and good111llto11•rd l talr. Amer!caomaonfaoturon o•e,&1 I rnlo. H .-llllng11uy!ntbo.-orldurco.op,,,a1eonddo 1b1lr oh•ro to mak • ibo na1lon'1 ublblta at lolero~\1001\ lblog,•latlngl<llbeorgonlutionof ro!IWIJO. loelndlnir npo,lllon■ o!1blo klnd••• ...... bn•!n!tl o\l,• aoduo1ral, o\&llono, ..fetJd••1cet.moclerDlocomoll•"andca,o,ere. 1..d • '1horl1yor1>!aokl.,g. ln1bo.,...o!Ftaneo.Eogland, Mau7 coun<ri.t, •ore toproHntod ID tbl1 ♦1b!bll. looln\!log Oerm•ny. IJ•l~lum , O!c•~ maD, other <onnlf1N, lbne el< Gormany, Englaod, llelglnmandP,ance mootoarepro•ldodbylbe Go•ero,nont.•hleb formnl .ioo Ftomlblapolnt1hT11l1<1reanerooolh•Rl•or Foooa tbogeotralplonandocopoo1 lbooo<looolHhlb!tooloog lempo,..., bridge lotb • right book, \oo gronpoflargo broadltn.. ndp•o•ld.. 111>•,.11pproprl1tlon•.•o•onl7for buUdlog, d ••oiod to the prlnclpal eurao~•• and moon- povlllooo bot •loo f•r lbe gO!!erol •,irk o! org•nlutloo ,o f.olnrln~ !nd•mioo. T h• diopl170 h•1'9 loclode th• m&no !ndloponooblo to comploU, onoe-. Tbo nalloo•l ublblta r..1nro of 1111' lo all 11& b,anehoo, mtocellaneooo m011•· of f raooe at \be rocent upoohlo•• ol Ll~n aod Brn110t1 1..10•00, agrlcultnral m10b!ner7, the chem1..1 lndu1u7. 1• l006 andl910. aodo<tbo E•poohlonof T ur1nthlo y•ar. m1nlog and 1bo metallorg!cal lndoalrlH, lbo auiomobllo d•n:! • mo" adm\roble uompl• of •ha• an 011\lght,. .d lndoalryandonuh!b ll!oo abo•ln1 tbo PNlll'.rfflmade bJ and prog,...l•o Govoromen1 can do In \blo dlr1>otlon , l11llao11oforolgncooott1et, •npportod b71h1 ourKJ 1Dd<n1erp1laoo/tbecouo1ry•1