Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

P rescnt•da y Tra d e o r Brad fo rd - conlinurJ. Ckcl,hc;1ton, H cck m o11d- \l ii,c. ,\ \ irficld :trc :di 1:trgc ·:1n<l irnpo r1:111t towns grouped :1round Or:idford wi t hin a circle or twcl\'c miles" (nineteen l, ilomctrcs) r:tdius. :111J :111 o r thl·m engaged in some br:mdi of t he grc.1t tcx!ilc imlustn· of 11 hich l3r:1dford is the ~ommerci:d :1nd di s - trihut i\ c cen tre. Br:1 d fo rd, :1 City of :100,000 inh a hi t :1 11 ls, h:1s indeed well been desc ribed :1s " Th e Wool Cen t re o f the V✓orl d . " Four- lir ths of the \\Ool manufact ures of Grc:11 Br it: 1i11 arc c:ll'ricd on in the \Ves t Riding of Yorkshire, ccnl red 1n :1ml :1rou11d 13r:1dfo rd. \Vool comes to B rad ford from Australi:1, New Zcal:111d, Sou th Afric:1, The River Pbte , P:.itagoni:1, The Fall; ]a n J I s la nds , f r om Morocco, T he Lcv:1nt, from Chin :t, Tliibct, l ndi :.1 , ;111J Manchun:i. The l·b i1· o f the Mok1ir Go:,t comes fro111 Asi:1 J\'li11or.and Cape Colony, of the Alp:ica from Peru and Chile, of the Cashmere from l ndi:1 :1nd T hibct, and of the · Camel from ma ny E:..iskrn bn~l s . An y or all o f these fibres c,11 he bought or sold 011 the Br:1dford E:..:change al :mr tim e: , and I3 raJforJ is Ihe only place in the world o f which th:1t c:111 be said. II Co m m e rcio di Brad iord- conlinuazione. in un raggio di 20 1(111. le c irt:'1di Leeds, l-luddersflc!d, H:tli f:ix, Batley, Dewsbury, l(eighley, Bingley, Cfecli - he:1ton, Hc e krnond\,·il,e, 1\lirfield, tuttc contribuenti per la loro p:,rle all'cnormc produzione tcss ile. I I \Vest Hiding: (c ircondario dcll'O\·cs t ) dcllo Yorl, - shi rc , ncl ce11tro de! qu:dc si tro,·:1 l3r:u!ford, racehiudc i 4/fi J ci lanif1ci d'lnghiltcr r :, . E dunquc con giusta ragionc chc 13r:1dro1·d si chiarna " II Ce ntro La ni ero d el Mo ndo. " L'Australi:1, la Nuov~1 Zcland:1, ii C:1po di huona Speranza, ii p:.icsc dclla Pl:1ta, la Pat~1gonia, le isolc ,\bluincs, i i 1\larocco, i p:1csi dd Lcvantc, la Cina, ii Tibet, le l ndic, l:.t ,\bnciu r ia; tutti questi p~1csi rnandano le lo ro la ne a Bradfo rd. Al di fuori delle lane propri a111c11tc dcttc, s'importa anc hc ogni son a <li pelo; come per c:s. Pelo di capra A 11 ,i.:ora detto ,\\oh.air, Asia i\ l in u rc , Capo; Pelo d' Alp~,g~1, Pc:rll , Chili; Pelo d i C:1chemir, India, T ibet; P elo <li Can1rncllo, PoJl' Si orient:di . O1·adford I: co11 osciuta donmque per il principalc rncrc:1to di tutti qucsti gencri. L e Comm e r ce de Bra dio rd- ,~ rre. fo~~•~ ou d'~ut re :'1 l' in d ustric l:11m_c rc. I our nc e itcr quc !cs vill_es les plus import:mtcs d_ y a a 20 km. de r:iron lcs , ·dies de Leeds, Huddcrs. fie ld, H ali f:1.-..:, IJ.ath:y, Dcwsbury, l(cighle r , Bingley, Clecl-hc:tton, Hc ckmo n d - wikc, J\lirflcl d , toutcs four. nissant lcur quotc-r::i r t a l 'Cnorme production textile. Le \Vest Ri ding (a rrondissemcnt de l'ouc:st) du Yorl,sh irc, :,u ce ntre duqucl SC trouYC B r~1dford, rcnfcrmc- lcs quat rc cin qui Cmes des f,tl u ique.,; l:i i11i Crcs de I' AnJ.!lctcrrc . C'cst done ~l justc raison q u'on a surnommC la \·ille d e Br:tdford. ' · Le Ce n tre La in ie r du Mond e." L'Austr:ilie, La Nom•elle ZC!andc, le Cap de n o nnc EspCr:incc, les pays de La Plat.1, la Patagon ie. lcs ilef" 1\.la louinc:s, le M:n·.ic, les p;1ys du Leva nt , la Chine, le Thi bet, Jes l rules , la Nbnchourie, tous ccs pa)S cnvoi~nt leurs laincs it Bradford . En de hors des l:tincs prop1·cmcnt dit cs on impol"tc :1uss i toute sortc de poils, tds quc: poil ~le cl1Cvrc Angora, dit Moha ir , Asie 111incurc, Cap; poil d ' a]p;1g:t , Pc ro u, Cb il i; poi l Jecachcmi rc , Jnd cs, T hi bcl ; pail de ch:unea u , P~ ys oricntaux. Bradford est con nu p:irtout commc le 11wrchC pri n· c ipal de tous cc:s gen res.