Prese nt-day Trade of Bradford . Every market day there meet on the Br:idford Exclwngc hundreds (thc1·c arc 22:'i0 subscribers) of wool tn(' rCh:tnts, top mal,crs, combers, spi1111crs, d ye rs, m ;1nufacturcrs, machine ma l1crs- hundrc<ls of busi• ncss men not only from the immediate surrounding dis• t r ict, hut from France, Germany, Belgium , Russia, I taly, America, Australiawhereve r wool 1s wanted o r prod uced. VVhcre\'Cr wool is g rown, whatcve1· may be its brcc-d or quality, there is a custome r for it a lways in B radford. \Vithin fifteen m iles o f Bradford there arc madcc:irpcts, rugs, blankets, tapestries, army cloths, p lushes, \'Cl\'Cl'S, as well as the most cxtcnsi\'c variety o f woollen, worsted, cotton, a nd sill; Fabrics im~1ginablc, fo 1· hol h mc1l a nd women and for every di mate in t he wodd. I n th is sm:111 hit of co1111t r y- aho111 six hundred square miles there is a popul:1tion of a million and a quarter, more than one h al f of which is engaged in o r dc pc11dc11t 11po 11 tile wool indu stry . Ll'cds , 1-luddc rs· flc ld, l·lali f:o..:, l3atlcy, Dews• bur y, l(ciglilcy, l3ini,.:lcy, II Commercio di B r adford I.a horsa di 11r:n.lford conta '.! '!;)0 abhonati. In giorno di mcrcatu i;i \·ctlono centinai:1 tl'interess:1ti, negozi:rnti in bnc. pctti natori, (ibtori, tintori, fabbric,11Hi di tcssuti, fahhricanti di machine, csportator i. ccc. chc vcng:ono non soltanto da\le cittU c provincic circostanti, ma anchc dal Continentc, dall'Amcrica c dall' Aust ralia, si~. come com• pratori che venditor i. Qu:dunq uc sia la provcnicnza di una Jana cd ii suo gencrc, cssa trova ii suo imp1cgo in Bradford . In un r:1.ggio di quasi 25 l(m . si fa\Jb ricano dci tappcti, delle coperte di ogni generc, dcllc stoffc pe r mobili, panni militari, pcluchcs, vcll u t i ccc. in modo da :\\1Crc la p il1 gra ndc v;lrict:'i di stotTc di lana can.lab, pcttin:ila, di cotonc, di set a ccc. sia pe r abiti da donna chc da uomo, c per tutti i cli111i. Su di una piceola cstensionc di l000 l\m. quadrati vi C una popol:o:ionc di 1,250,000 abitanti, dci quali pil1 dclla me t:\, appartengono in un modo od w 1 a ltro :d \'illlh1stria la n ic ra. Pl'r non cit:1rc chc le citt:\ pil1 impo rtant i. vi sono Le Comme rce de Bradford. La I3oursc de Br;.alfmd complc c11viron '.!250 ahonnCs. Chaquc jour de marchC on y \'Oit des ccntaincs d'i n tC rcssCs: nCgocia nts en lainc, pcigncurs, fHateurs, tcinturiers, fabri• cants tic tissm;, fabrie:rnts de machines, espmtatcurs , etc., qui \'iennent non scu\cmcnt des \· illcs et vilbgcs en\'ironnan ts, mais aussi des pays du continent, et mCme de l'A111Criquc et de l'Australie,soit eommc achclcurs, soitcomme , ·cndcurs. Qucl lc quc soi t la provena nce d\me l.tinc.ou so n genre, clle t rouve son placement ~t Br:iMord . Dans un rayon tl'environ 25 km on fabriquc des tapis, des cou\'ertures de toutc cspi.:ce, des Ctoffes pour mcu blcs, des dr:.1ps mi Ii ta i rcs, des pcluchcs, dc:s lout rcs de soic (silk scalsk ins) des velours, :,insi quc la plus g ra nde v:1rii:tC imagi nable d 'CtolTei; de Ja inc cardCc et pcignCc, de coto11, de soie, etc., pour , ·Ctcmcnls de femme et t!'hummc et :1cl:tptl'.s pourtous lcs..:li111ats. Sur une petite CtcnJuc tic 1000 hm ..:a rrl·s ii y a une p o pulation de 1,250 ,000 d' habita n ts, dont plus de la mo il iC sont :iriliCs d\1nc