Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

Co nc ise Hi s t o ry o f Bra.dlord-conlinued. sent their fabrics all o ,·cr the world. E:1rly in t he last ccntu n · Bradford-which at t hat ti~e was a small and un• import:mt town with narrow crooked st rccts-bcg:rn to go ahead \'Cry fo s t, and quickly put it~clf in the front as the most important of all the towns engaged in the manufactu re and dis tribution of worsted fabrics and yarn s. The town has hccn practica lly rebuilt and enormously extended duri11g the last fifty r ears, and the enterprise of its cit izens has made it one of the most handsome cities in England. Noti z ie Sto riche s u Bra dford-con linuazione. c itt~L della " Ha nsc." Al principio <lei sccolo scorso , Bra<lrord allora pi ccola c itt:i in sig ni fica ntc con viuzzc tortuosc, in• comincib i n un col po solo a progrcdirc non tardando poi ad occuparc ii pri mo posto fr a le grandi c itt:1indust r ial! . Durante gli ultimi 50 anni la c iua C stab. rifabbri ca ta q uasi intcramcntc cstcn • dcndosi molto; e lo spiri to intraprendcntc d i qucsti c ittadini nc ha fa t ta u na dellc pill belle ci tt:J de! pacsc . {fe)?> <..7:? Le Co mme rce d e Bra dford- suite. parties du pa ys, mais auss i lcs nCgociants des riches villcsde la Hanse . Onavnit des dCbouc hCs dans les quatrc coins du mondc. Au commencement du siCcle passC , Bradford, alors pet ite ville ins ignif1an tc ? 1 ruellcs tortueuscs, commcn~:.i to ut d'un coup a progrcsscr, nc tardant pas :1 occupe,· le premie r rang p::mni Jes grandcs villcs industriclles. Pendant ks cinquante dern iCres annCes la vi ll c a CtC re b:itic presquc cntiCre• mcnt , to ut en s'C tcndant beauco up , et ]'esprit d'ent repr ise de scs citoycns e n a fait unc des plus be lles vi lles du pays.