Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

Showcases.! Linings . Jn :1..!Ji1io11 lo Drc:--s Goo;Js . Or:i.Unr.t has the fa r1,: cst tr::1Jc 111 1he world in Linings for bot h men's :111d \\Olllcn's"c;,r. Thcs:implcs shown gi\'C a ... li1,:ht idea of 11 h:it is proJuc \.·d in this line . Men's \1/ci.\r. or rcce ll l } r:irs Bradford h:i s :idJr,1 10 the rn:1ny , ':lricticsof 1t:,; in:tnu facturc.·s by the produc tion of high cl:1ss Co:1ti11i;s and Trouser• in gs fo r men ·s wear , and this is :i trade 11 hieh is in· crcasin~ rapidly . Men's Mohai r Coatings. , . .\loh:iir bein g eminently s11it.1blc for ,\kn's \Vc:1r in hot climates , a va riety of fab rics arc here s hown s ui t • ;1blc for tltis pu rpose. Any infot ma t '. on with re• gard to th e,c Exhibit. may Vetrine__:_ Foderc , Oltre :1g li artico li per abi t 1, 11rad fo rd ha ii pil1 gr:rndc euimnc.·n:io Jcl mondo in fodcre di tuttc le spec ie . ] e:uupioni csposti non rappr cs cnt :1 110 e hc una piecola parte dei J.:C nc ri c hc si pr0Juco110. Stoffe da Uomo. In quest! ultimi nnni Brad · ford ha :1ggiu11t:1 ::ilia g1'a nd c 1·:1ri eU1 dcllc sue fohh ri· c:,zion i, q uclb Jclla Jr~tp· pcri:1 el:tssica. Si f:1nno dc \lc stoffc per :1biti, per ea lzoni, ccc . c b ,·cndita di qucsti artieoli va sempre aumcntanclo . Alpacca per Uomo. Nella vctrina si trova espost~1 una grandc varicdl di Alp:icca per uomo , csscndo qucsti tcssuti cmincnlc· 1ncntc aJdatti per r1bit i · clin1i molto caldi . Doublurcs . E11 ..lcl1o rs des ,1rticlcs pour Robes Bradfo rd a le plu s ~r:rnd com111crcc du mondc en doublurcsdc tou tc cspCcc. l.cs Ccha ntill ons cxrosCs ne rcprCse nt cnt qu'unc petite partic dts genres (]lli sc produisc n\. Draperic pour H o mmes . . . Pendent les dcrniCrcs a1111Ces Bradfo rd a ajoutC ~t la grandc variCtC de scs manufac tures la fa b r ication de la d ra peric cbssiquc. On f ait des tissus poureostumcs, pour pantalo11s, etc., e t la vc11tc de ccs arti cles va toujuurs e n augmcntant. Alpagas pour Hommes . •. Le 1nohai1·Ct.int tri::sadaptC ,1 u,_ vC tcrrn.:nts d'homme clans lcs pays chauds , o n prCsc ntc ici une var iCte appropriCc ~1 cc but . Pour de p lus amples detail• Per pi'u ampi d e ttagli indi- on voud ra bie n s'adreuer au he obtained on inquiry from rizzani all'appo,ito ufficio bureau de r~naeignemen.ts a the Representative in charge, 1ito nell'Esposizione o ac ri - l'Expo,ition, ou en ecrivant or from the vere direttamente nl direcl ement au Secretary of the Chamber Segretario d e ll& Secret aire of Commerce, Came ra di Commercio di de la Chambre de Commerce Bradford, Bradford, a Bradford, England. lnghilterra. Angleterre, 32 r