Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

MATERIALS f'rorn which the Dresses in the Three Final Tab• Jeaux have been selected. In this Case arc displayed the 1dcntic:d goods from whi ch the dresses on the models are rnadc. 11 P e rmo ." Th is nc\\'ly int roduced fabric, made from the best Wo ol and ,Vt ohair, has a lready met with the greatest success all over thC' world, it combines sortness with lustre , anti notwithstanding its li gh t ness drapes g racefull y , and with its attractive appearance makes a perfect combination of uscfulncs~ :tnd beauty. Mohai r s. Bradford has always been renown ed for its Mohair goods, and is the J\<\ohair centre of the wo r ld . i'vlany effects and t ypes arc produced in Blads Colou r s C~ecl,s, Coloure:1 Stripes '. Mixt ures, 1 \\dangcs, &c., ao<l the hrilli:111cy and An ish of th ese goods ensure their continua\ ropu\arity . ~ TESSUTI Che h a nno sc r vi to per la confezione degli a biti espost i nei 3 quad ri: La R egata di Henle y Una partita di Caccia II foyer di un t ea. tro. 1 tcssuti csposti in qucsta vetrina sono cguali a quclli dci modclli . "Permo." Stoffa mag11ifica di crca1.ione rcccntisslma, fabbric:1ta con la mig!iorc qualit3. di Janae mohair. Succcsso irnmenso in tutti i p:.1esi. Questastofl':1 riuniscctutlc le qualib nccess:.1ric dal punto di vista dell'ut i\ita c dcll'eleganza. Moha irs (Alpacca) . Bradford C stata sempre giustamcntc rinomata pc1· i suoi Moh~1irs (alragas) c rc:dmcntc C la prima cittit del mondo per ciO che con - cerne la fobbric:t:t.ione d ci tcssuti di pelo di c:1pra d 'Angora gcner;1l111ent c chiamati Alpacca o Mohair. Si producono clictti in• nurncrevol i c dci tipi in nero, in colorc, a quadretli, ccc. La bcllczza spccialc di qucsti tessuti consiste ncl loro splcndorc c ricchezza, cd ii loroapprctto spccialc ne ha assicurata LIil a popolaril:i unive r salc. 31 Vitrines, TI5SUS. Qui ont servi ~ la con - fectio~ des v'e tements. exposes d a n s le.s 3 t ab - leaux: Les R~gates de He nley Une partie de Chasse A l'Op~ra . Les tissus e:.:p ,sCs dans. ccttc vit rine sont pareils iL cc ux des modi::les. Permo. E to!T c magnifique dccrCation to utc rCccntc, faitcde la plus fine qualitC dcbinc et mohair. Succi:~ immense dans tous lcs pays. Cctte CtolTc rCunit toutes. les quali tCs nCccssaircs au. point de vue de l'utilitC et de l'CICgancc. C'cst ICg:Cre~ so upl e et riche, brcf unctoi lcttc parfaite. Mohairs (Alpagas) . Bradford a toujours Ct& rcnoinmC :i juste titre pour :;es i\ lohairs (Alpagas), et en clTct c'cst la premit:rc vi!l edu monde en cc qui conccrne la rabrication detissus de polls de la chCvred' Angora gCnCralcment appclCs Alpagas ou MohairsOn produit llllC Cnormevar iCtC J'cffcts et Jc types. e n noir, coulcurs, carreaux, r ayurcs, mC!angCs. La bcautC de ccttc marchandise,.. su n brillant ricbe, et son apprCt spCcial lui ont toujours :1ssurC une populn ri t6 universelle.