Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

Showcases, Me r ce ri sed Cotto n s, H ere :ire shown v:irious types of me rcerised colton goods. The :.id\·cnt of mcrccrisation :md 1hc schrcinc ring process caus ed a cam• plctc rcvolul io n in the cotton tr:idc. 0 1\ ing: to this in recent years :1 grc:.it development has t :d,cn place in the use of matc rbl so treated, and most hc:1utifu l cffccls, equalling sil l, in lustre and :1ppcarancc, :ire rroduccd. All Wool. Thc:.ill-wool tr:1dc in dress goods cm·crs :..i very large Acid. Su m:inr varieties arc made, and i: , s o many form s , that it is imposs ible to do them justrcc in :i sma ll Showcase, the few types shown, however inadcqu;1tc , will cm1blc the visitor to form some slight idea of what is being produced. Artificial Silk. Nothing has been more strifdng in recent years th:111 the progress in Artific ial Silk, and the samples in this Case show that in brilliance a nd beauty the artificial product fully equals the best sill,. Co t o ne Me rcerizzato. Ecco divcrsi tipi di cotonc mcrccrizzato. I metodi irwcntati <la Mercer c Sch reiner hanno caus:1ta una rivoluzionc comp/cta ncl commcrc io dci tcssuti, cd in qucsti ulti1ni :mni si C giunti :id un gr:1ndc pcrfezionamcnto nclla f:1bbricazionc di questi articoli , ii cui consumo C mo lto imporUmte . T cssuti di L a na. 11 commcrcio dcllc l:rncrie non ha limiti. Si f::inno tanti al'ticoli e la varict:i Ji essi C talmcnlc grandcchc riescc impossibilc di rapprcsentarli giusta• rncnte ncllo spazio limitato di u11a vetrina. PcrO i tipi esposti danno una idea gcncrnlc di ciO chc si produce in ques t:1 categoria. S e t a Ar t ificial c . 11 progrcsso cklla mcr:wigliosa industria Jcll:.i s<:La artiflcialc C stato uno Jci pill gr:indi in qu esti ulti1ni :u1ni. C10 chc Ccsposto in qucsl:t , ·etrina dimostra, chc J:il pun to di vista Jcllo splcndore c bcllC'zza, b scta :irtificialt.: vale quanto la ver:i se t:1. 30 Vitrines. Cotons Me rcc ri s;s. Voici divers types de tissus de coton mercerisCs. L'avCnemen t des procCdCs i1wentC:,; par Me rcer et Schreiner a c:iusC unc rCvolutio11 comrlCte dans le commerce des tissus et on est :1rrivC dans Ies derniCrcs annCes :'.1 un gr:1nd perfcc• tionnerncnt dans la production de ecs :irt iclcs, dont la consomma~ ion est trCs import ante. Ti ssus Pure La ine. L e Commerce des lainages C!.t pour ainsi dire sans borncs. II se fait tant d':1rticles, et la variCtC e n est si grandc, qu ' il est tout :\ foit impossible de Jes rcprCscnter d 'une fo~on con- ,·,·nablc dans l'csr.acc li m itC d'unc vitrinc. Cependa n t Jes quc!qucs types exposes donnent une idCe gCnCrale de cc qu'on produit d:ms ccttc catCgoric. S o ie Artific iclle. Le progrCs de la mervc illeusc i11dustrie des soies :irlificicllcs a CtC des plus Cton nan ts ces dern i Cr es :urnCCs. Les spCci me nsdans ccttc vitrine dCmontre nt qu ' au point de vuc du bril - lant et de b hcautC la soie ::trtificiel!c vaut parfaitemen t b vraic soic. ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - -