Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

Concise His tory o i Bradford. ENGLAND has ror cent uries been a great woo l growing a nd wool manubct uring country. The Lord Cha11ccllor of En~l:,nd, who prc-s1Jcs over t he House of Lor.l s, sits 011 the "Woolsacl;." \V ill1arn of Normandy brouglit F lemish we avers to teach the E ngl ish how to nw l;c bcl!cr cloths. For :.i long time tile East and South a11d \Vl·st of E ngla11d , where tlic population \\":,s l:.1rgc, ,,ere the chief wool m:1n11f;1cturi11g distr icts. \ Vhcn the steam cn1-: i nc, t h e sp i nning mac hi 1u.: , :ind I he pO\\"cr loom :irrivcd, the less wealthy and more st r enuous people of the Nor.h c:1pturcd the trade hy Jcvcloring the f ac t ory syskm. T hey had abunJ an t soft water running i n bright streams from the Yorl1shirc hi lls, an.I unde r • m.::it h thei1· rcct was the best or coa l. So thC)' prospcrctl :i nd d rew t he popul :it ion fro m the Sou t h :i n tl tli c East a nd the \Vl·st, and a tt racted merchants a11tl money rrmn the n d1 1-bnsc:itic towns or Nort hl·1·11 Europe , and the y Notizie Storiche s u Bradford. DA alcuni scco\i l' l ngh il• term occupa un posto importantc ncll'i n• dustr ia l;1nicra cd C d:1 notarsi chc il scggio dcl prcsidc11tc dclla camera dci "Lordi" C chiamato "\Vool S:1d," cioC sacco d i l:in:1. Gut;I iel rno i I Conq u ista tore condussc scc:o dci tcssi to r i, iqwd i int rodusscroin lnghi ltcrra i i loro mctodo per• fczionato. L'cst, ii sud c l'uvcst <lei p:1csc, Juve gli ahitantier:1110 muncrosi c prospcri, for111al'ono pe r lu11go tempo la rcgionc prini.:ipalc pe r la f:1l>hric:azio11c d ei tcssuti. Gli abit a nli dcl 11ord :1\-cndo 111cno con101lit~1, 111a cssc1 1do pil1 atlivi, :i ccapar1":1ro110 s11bito i i eom1ncn:io dcllc Jrappcric , S\·ill1ppan• done b f:ihbric:azionc. Essi trovaronu dcll'ai.:qua IH1011a cJ in abhonJanza ncllc valbtc dcllo Yorl,shi1·c cJ ii suolo ricco J i gi:ici - menti d i Carbone . Cosi ii nonl prnspcrO alti rando 11011 solt:rnto la mano d'opcra dallc altrc parti dr l pacsc , 111:i a11.c hc i co111111c:l'cia11ti dcllc nr.:chc Notice Historique s ur Bradford. DEPU IS des siCr.:lcs I' Anglctc rrc occ u pe unc pla ce impor t:m t e dans l' i11dustric lainii.!rc e t chose r cmarquablc, o n :1ppellc mC n1c le s iCt;c du PrCsidc nt de la Chambrc des Lo rd s "wool s:.icl:," cc CJlii vc11t d ire " sac Jc lai nc . " Gui lla ume le Conqu<:ran t amcna des tisserands lbm:mds qui introJuis ircnt lcur mCthodc pcrfcctionnCc. L'Est, le Sud et l'Oucst du pays, don t Jes habitants Ctaic n t nomb r cux et p r·ospCrcs , for mai c n t pc11d:1 n t 10111-:tcmps la rCgion p r incip:ilc de b fabrication de ti ssus. L':wC11c111cnt d e I:, vapcur, des ml:ticrs :', Iller et ~1 tisscr di:pla<;a cctlc ind usl r ic unporla ntc. Les gen:, du Nord , moins aisCs et p lus actir:;, ac:c:1parCrcnt hic11lOt le commerce des dr:ipsc n dCvcloppanl la f ahricalion en gros. lls I rouv:ticnt dans lcs vallCcs <lu Yorl,shirc de l'c: 1u f:ivorablc et e n :1bonda nce , le sol Ctait ric hc e n giscrnc nts de char• hou. Ainsi le Nord prospi:ra, attirant 11011 sculcmcnt l.1 111:iin d'n:uvrc des :1utrcs.