Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

Henl ey Regatta. TAIJLE~\U V II. Th ere is uo rnorc pictur• c ~qucfy hrrllianl displ:1y of out-of-Joor sum rncr f:1shions than th:1t nf this famous rcg:1tta. Lu:-.urioustr furn ished Houseboats crowd the rc:ichcs of the Th~1mcs :rnJ "ic w11h the l:Jwns on the banl,s 111 their parties of pcr fcctlyclrcsscd women :1nd well-groomed mc11. All t he costumes in this tableau :ire m:idc from f:ibrics manuf:Jcturcd , dyed ~111d '1ni shcJ in Brad fo rd. La Re~ata di Henley. QUADRO ~- V I I. Non vi e pil1 br i ! lantc sfoggio dclla 111oda di :1bit i csti\' i di qucllo chc si m~1nifcsta nci giorni dcl :a famosa "Regatta." J\ l igliaia di barcbc arrc - datc con !usso, popol ate da lcggi~1Jrc Signorinc e Signore clcgantissin,c, nonchC Ja Signori :1bbigli:.it i con scrnplicita, ma non mcno clcg:.mti, gallc~giano su l Tamigi, c fonnano c-.1lla irnmcn sa :iccolta ~Ii pcrsonc chc affolh:ino le ri,·c dcl flume, un quaJ ro piltorcsco c s m:.1gliantc. Tutti gli abiti di qucslo qu:.1Jro sono fotti d i stolTc fabbricatc, tintc e finite in Br:1cHorJ . 24 Les R~gates de Henley. TAB LEAU VI I. 011 11e r,n1t p:1s sc figu re r unc scCnc p lus pittorcsque, un tablea u plus h rill a nt et micux :u.laptC a mo n t rc r lcs modes d'CtC. La T:unisc pu ll ulc de balc:1ux de luxe privCs, pa r tout des dames clCg: 111t cs en c ompagnic de ]curs ca valiers, tous d' une correction et d'un chic irrCprcchabks. Tous lcs costumes dans cc tableau sont confcctionnCs ;wee des tissus fob r iq uCs, tcints et appri:tCs a Bra,lfo rd .