Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

\<fool Combing . T.-IIJI.EAU Ill. After the wnol h:1:,; bcc11 1horoughly washed, 01· scoured with so:ip :1nd hot w:ilcr to remo, ·c :111 the n:itur:il grease and sand ,,·hidi thctlcccc :1ccumula1cs in the course- of the yc:1r, there still rcm:1i_ns in it m:rnr seeds , burrs, hits of straw, &c .. :111J the fibres of the wool :ire t:111..:lcJ :1nd m:1ttcd. To eliminate these foreign substances. 10 disentangle all the !\hrcs :ind to by :ill the fibres scp:1r:itdy :dongsidc one :rnother. is the process or combing here !':.hown in opcr:1tio11 . In the old J:iys the wo rl, ,1:is laboriously pc1:formcd by !1:~nd. The mach,ncs here ohdntcd arc ~ob!c combs. through which the wool passes after it has been prepared. As the wool is Jr:1wn through the rows of nnc 1cc1h i n the comb, the seeds, I.nots, :rnd ,·en· short (ihres :ire held hac'!. to be presently remo\'cd ;111t.l p:1ssed into a can as "noils,"' while the lon,i.: part of t l~e wool is coiled up as a con tmu ous rope or" sli,·cr" int o a hall or" top.' ' Brad • ford docs :m enormous trade 1n "tops" or combeJ wool. much of which is exported to the Continent of Europe. Pe ttina tura. QUADllO ~ - Ill. Al!o scopo di estr:1rrc d:1!)a lana ii gr:1sso n:1tur:ile e la s;1bbi:1 chc si :1ccu111ul:1 sull' :rni111:dc durante ii corsn dell :111110.si C obhlig:1ti di J:i,·arla e sgrass:,rb con acqu:1 c:lld:1 c saponc. Anchc dopo qucsto l:1,·aggio nclla l:nla rcst:.1110 dci granclii di sabbi:1, dci fili di pai-:li:1 ccc. c le fibre rcst:ino attorcigliatc. Pei· climin:1rc qucstc 111_atc ric cstr:1ncc . pcr p;ir:11lclizz:1rc le fibre, si sottoponc b lan:i :id una pe11inatur:1; opcraz ionc chc C 1nostrata in qucsto qu:1dro. Te mpo addictro l:t pcttin- :itura si f:icc,·:1 ;1 m:1110, rendcndo qucsto la,·oro 111olto f:iticoso. Oop o f:1 prcpar:tzione ncccss:iria Ja lana p:.1ssa attra , ·erso le pcttin:1tl' ici "NOBLE '" chc si \'cdono ncl quadro. In qucsta macchina la Jana passa attraverso dei rastrcl!i a Jen ti s trctti, in mododa impcdirc il pass:.iggio allc sostanzc estrance cd alle fibre trop po co r te. In questo moJo s i otticnc. 1° La lan;1 lunga a forrna d i n:1stro cont in uochc finisce per .a vvolgcrsi intorno .ad una bobina che vienc chiarn:.ito "TOP.' ' 2° La Iana cort :1 , che di comme rcio vie11e ch iamata :: ~~rL~~/' ed in Inglese La citta di Bradford ha un comrncrcio eno rm c di " TOPS" e "NOILS. " 16 P e ignage . TABLEA U II I. Afin d'c:,;tr;1irc deb bi 11 c la gr:1issc n:_1turcllc ;li11si quc le s~ihlc qu1 s'accumulc sur 1':iniinal d:111s le cou rant de l';rnnCc 011 est obligC de la l:t\"cr et de la dCgraisscr :wee du savon ctdc !'c:1u cktUde. i\\Cinc :1pri::s cc !av:.igc ii rcstc d:1ns l:1 lainc des graincs, des brins de p:iil!c, des chardons . etc .. et lcs filaments de la l:1i11c sont entortillCs et fcutrCs. Pour Cl imin cr ces mat1Cres Ctr:rng:Crcs, pour dCg:1gcr lcs fil:uncnts et lcs poser l'un a cOtC de l'autrc, on sou111ct la Jainc :ni pcign:ige. opfr:ition qui est dCmontrCc dans cc tablerw . Dans le pa ssC le pc ignagc sc fois:1it {1 la main, cc qui. naturcllcmcnt , Ctait un tr:1v:1il fort 1:iborieux. r\p1·Cs la P.r·Cparation nCccssairc l:t l:1111c passe pa r des Pcigncuscs "Noble" que nous :i vans sous lcs yeux. D ,111s ccttc m~ichinc la laine est p:issCc :'1 tra,·ers des rangCCs de pointcs fines qui barrent le passage aux gr:iincs, pctits bo u to ns, fibres trop courtcs, etc . De cctte ma n iCrc on o btic nt: I~ la lainc longuc fo rn,c d_e rnban continu qui finit par sc rcnoucr en unc bohinc ditc " TOP." 2? la lainc cou1·tc qui passe d:ins un pot et qu 'on appcllc<lans lccommcr~e "bloussc," en angl:11s "NOIL." . La vi ll c de Bradford fait un co 1n rncrcc c':no n ne en " TOPS" et" NOi LS."