~ Sor ting. T,lllLEAU II. E\'cry Ike-cc of \\"onl :1s it comes from _ I he she ep or go;1t compri ses wool of ddkrcnl le ngths and quali - ties- some being much co:1rscr :111d some shorter than the rest. The best qu:d1tyof wool is th:1t which c o ,·crs the neck and shou lders of the :mirn:d. That which comes from the hi nd legs :1nd tail - I he hritch wool :is 11 is c:tl lcd-is co:irsc and strong :md ·the least \':iluablc portionof I he llcccc. These \' :lrious qu:1li1 ics must he scp:1r :1 t cd , 1l 1cu thi:rc :ire frcq ucnt lr lumps o f dirt, pieces of bl1rrs . &c., picked up in th e field or 1hc farm pr,1, \\hi ch adhere rn the llcccc a nd wluch must be rcnuffcd. All this requires care :1nd discri1111 nal1on and can onlv be done h\' those who h:n:e a quick cy·e, good judgment. :111d arc fo1111 1ia r with th e wool. The men who perform this work :.ire c:1llcJ "\\fool-sorters." They ,,·or!, at a table or bench, as shcwn in this tahlc;m, surrounJcd hy brgc basl;cts o r sliepsintowhich thcd ilTerent qualities :H"C thrnwn. As it often h:ippens that the fl<-<:ccs, especially I hose wh ich come from the East, arc \"cry dusty, the sorting tables ha\"c a wire grid through which the dust is drawn by an cxlwust fan. Th is renders 1hc sor t ers' occupation a 111uch mor e hc:1lthy one 1han it ot herwise would he. A ssortimento delle Lane , QUADRO "· 11. Og11i tosatura di pccor:1o monto11c comprendc chfkrenti qualit;'1 e lunghezze di Jana. Vi sono Je1 pd1 pil1 COC/l e t~a g l~ljt '- j i~~C~li~~l~ l l~i trov:1 su ll a nuc:1 csulk spa lie. Al contr:1 rio quclb dcllc J.::unhc c dclla coda, fonna la qu;di1:·1 infima ~lella tns:1\ ura. Nc l com1ncrcio dclle 1:tnc qucste ultime "engono chiamatc ' 'CUISSARDS. •· La l:111a ,·icnc di,·isa ncllc diffe rcnti qu:1lit~1. Glr sG1rtatori chc nc sono inc:mcati liherano ncllo stcsso tempo 1:i 1:uia da sostanzc cstrance chc si trovano intrecciatcfrn i pcli. Per la divisione dcllc t,111c bisol!na a\·crc dellc cogniz ioni spcciali cd un colpo d'occhio giusto. Colllc si vcdc nel quadro, gli scartatori lavor:1110 prcsso una t·avola, e sono circondati da grandi ccstc per le diffcrcnti qualitU di lana. Sic:come spcssissimo 11cllc tosature, e spccialmcntc in qucllc chc vcngono dai paesi oricntali, vi C molt,1 pol\'ere, ogn i tavo la per lo sca r to C pron·ista d1 una griglia att,·a\·c rso la qua le la polverc vicne aspirata per 111czzo di vcnt ilatori. Questodiminuisccdi molto i rischi dal punto di vista il!icnico ai quali sorwcspost i gli scartatori . I ◄ L e Triage des Laines. TABLEAU 11. de C~'i\ 1 t\~:~ l-~~1~1 1 ~:!~1~·csirrz:: cotes_ qualttcs et longueurs de _l:11nc. 11 y a des roils qu1 so n t phis gros et p lus c~uns que l<;s. autrcs. La h~rn~ plus prcc1eusc est du ~otc de la nuquc et des cpa~ les. Pa1· cont rc cellc des pm bes de dcrriCre et de !a _queue forme. la p.irtic mfeneure de la to1son. Dans le COllllllCl"Ce des laines on appclle cc\a les "cuissards" 11 f;1ut sCparcr ccs d iffC~- entes qualitCs. Les tricurs qui en sont chargCs enlCvcnt aussi lcs_crot tins, gloutcrons, etc., qu1 sc ramasscnt dans lcs champs. Pour le triage des l:1incs ii faut Ju d isccrnemcnt et un coup d'o:::il just<.'. Com111eonvoitdanslc tablc:tu lcs tr icurs travaillcnt auprCs d'unc table, Ctant entourCs de grands paniers pour lcs dilTCrentes qualitCs de laine. Comme ii arrive souvent que lcs toisons, surtout ccllcs venant des pays oricntaux, contienncnt beaucoup de poussiCre, chaq ue table de t1· i-:1gc es,t pourvuc d'une grille,_, a travcrs laquclle la pouss1crc est cxtrai te moycnnant des vcntilateurs. Cela din1inue de bcaucoup lcs risq~1cs auxqu c\s les tricurs de la111c sc trouV_ent cxposCs.