Turin Exhibition 1911: Bradford Chamber of Commerce

Sheep Gra z in g (;.c .. Woo l Growingl , TABLEAU !. Grc:ll 13rit :1in :rnd Jrcl :tnd h :l \ 'C :11,,.,0,00.1 sheep or m:iny difTcrcnt breeds :111d produc i ng \\"OOI o f \\' id c!y \ ":II") 1n i:: c h:1ractcr. T he l:1ndsc:1pc is typic:d of p:tsluring grou r1 d, :rnd , ·:1rious sheer fro111 the wool of , , hrch Bradford goods:1rc produ ced arc sho\\ n. Th e wool is shorn once a yc:ir, usu:illy in .\l:iy, :111d t he ,,·ool is sold by th e: f:1r111cr either d 1r c1._· t to a dealer i11 ,1001, or it 1.s p: 1cl,cd a1HI :,;cnt 10 be sold :.it t he ncan::-1 wcol f:tir·. Such fairs :1n: held c1Try yc:u- in many to\\'11s in E ngla nd :111d Scotlaml dur in~ ,J une :md July, a 11d :ilso peri o di c ally i n D 11hl111 . 13urcrs :1ttcnd th ese b in; frorn Ur:1{Hord :1:1 d the 11 1:111uf:icturing d i:otrn,; ts as 11(.']I :1s from Amcric:1. Bui th o ugh G reat Gr it:1i n carries :, lar;.:l"r n u 111bcr of sheep for its :11ca t h :111 :111y country in th -:- wnrlJ, it dr:1ws woo l supplies fro 111 C\·cry quarter of the gl obe. T he imports 1d wool :1 nJ h:1ir t o 11ritish po r ts r etained for consumption in rnJU amounted to 769,.W0,000 lbs., am! th •· \\ l'igh t of l1 ritish wool produce d was IH,877,000ll>s., and the arnount retain e d w :1s 105,~)0!1,000. All evamento delle Pecore (Col tivazi one della Lana). QU.-\DRO ;\ _ I. L :1 Gran B rct l:1gna c ]' I rl:,nd:i pnsscggono pccorc di diH·rsc r:iz zc, d:d lc qu:tli si ot t cngono l:111c \·:1ri :111 t i molto nd gcncrc ["un:1 d:tll'- :dtr:1. 11 q11:1dro scgucnte r :1pprcsc-11ta 1111 tipico pas colo . D:1 <p1csta sccn:1 past o r:1lc c.-111:111::1 uno cli ar111 e s111gol:t r c, chc tr:1sporta per poc hi ist:111ti, lont:1110 d:il fumo c d: il ru1110rc dcllc f:1bbrid1c. G li :111im:tli \'C11go110 t osati u11 :1 ,·o ll:1 per :111110. gcncra l111c11t<.: 111 .\l:1ggio, c le l:in c \ cngo110 , ·cndutc :1d llll COlllmcrci:rnt c o Yt·ngo no i:1\"iatc ad una Jelle nu111c rosc fie rc di l:111:1 ch c h:111110 luog o in 111olt c c itt:'1 c chc Ro110 rq;ol :1nne11 t e visit:1tc d:ii curnpr:1tori di Br:1 dford c di :dtri ccntr i !: 111ieri i11g!csi. L a Gr:111 Hretl:1g11:1 qua n - t unquc posscgg a dci grcggi d 1 p<.:corc pil1 n unwrosi di qu:1lu11quc :iltro p:1csc. co111pr:1 ddlc 1:tnc in tutt i I p :1 c. s1 dcl momlo. Sullc bne i111 po rtatc ncl 19ltl; l'i11dustria inglc.:Rc ha ntcnu t o quasi :m5 rni lioni di !(g . L:1 tosa t ur:1 inJigcn:1 d iedc qu:1si G5 111ilioni di l(g. dci quali -J S m il ioni rcs t:1ru no in l ngh1ltcrr~1. 12 Ele vage d e Brebis (Cul t ivati on de Laine). T.-\131-11 .-\U 1. L:1 Grande Brctagnc et I· I rl:1ndc po:;sCdcnt :{I,750,000 ba·his de dil"l·r,;cs races dont on ohtlc1H des lai11c~ dc genres fol"\ ,·: , ril·s. Le t:1hlc:1u q11 '011 \'Oit ;~.\~i:i~'.t'.·scntc 11n p:ltur:i gc Un ch: 1r111c sin~ulicr sc dC t .1chc de ce tt c scCn c p:1s- :oralc et paisihlc. On sc sent in\"olon1:1iremc11t t ransportC. 11c fut•<"C quc pour qucl quc s instants, loin de la f u111 l·c et d ll bruit des usincs . 011 tond lcs brchis unc fois par :m. gCnCr;dc rncnt :1 u mois de mai, et le rc rmicr ycnd l:1 !:line i1 u11 m:irchand, ou hicn il l'cnvoic i1 unc ties 110111hrcuscs fo:rcs tic 1:tllll' qui ont lieu dans bcaucoup de ,·i llcs cl q ui sont rCgu- !iCrcn1c nl , ·isi t l·cs p:11· lcs :11.:h c tcu rs de 13r:idro rd et tt":rnlrcs cen t res l:1i11icrs de l'An1,:lc:crre. L:1Gr:1:1dc Bret ag11c , bien q11c posst:d:1 11 l dt·s tro u pc:wx plus nomhrcux q11c 11 "in1por t_c qucl :1utrc p:1ys . s'approv1sionnc de l:11ncs d:rns toutcs Jes p:1rt ics du 111o ndc . Su r lcs l:ii11cs impor tl:cs en 1909 :~:~{~l:~ 1;!~/:~l~:;:~I~ l:~:~I.C;::: ton Le ind igt: n c don n :1 c 11v1ro 1'. 6:) millions lms, dont 48 millions l;os rcstCrc nt d :111s 1 ,c pays, le sol dc Ct :111l export.: .