Introduction to Exhibi~ Br:td(ord's own spcci:d• itics :ire, bc:-icks the co111hing an.I spinning of wool - in which it is facile princeps -the \\caving, dyeing , and finishing of :111 kinds of fabrics for ladies arnl gc11tlcmcn. An :dmost infinite varictv of :ill-wool, wool ;111d Jjll;, w~ol :1ndcot ton, moh:1ir , c' r tific:i:i l sill,, :md alp:1c:1 stufTs :ind linings arc produced in Br:1dforJ to meet the 1:1stcs of the most fastidwus :1nd alike the most conservative. From Paris to P eru, from Pctcrsburg: lo Pcl.1 11, Bradfon..l st ufTs :ire lmown and prized for their desi!(n, colour, finish, and quality, A glance at the Tableaux Nos . VII., V III. and IX. in wh ich a!l the cos1urncs :ire of Br:.idford manufactured stuff, and of the c.iscs containing sample lengths of cloth, will sullice to illuslr~1tc only a portion of what has been sa id. To realise the foll range of manu factures with wl1ich Bradford is concerned one mu st s pend da) sin exploring its splendid warehouses and factories. T he nme Tableau:,; of the Exhibit of the Bradford Chamber of Commerce :11"e dcsig ncJ to ill ust rate the main processes only , in the manufacture of \Vorstcd (i.e., al l wool ) stuffs for which Br:1dford is f:imous all o,,er the world. Osservazioni Generali. Perla pett inat ur:i c filat lll":1 dclla l:111a, Gra dford 11011 ha chi l'ci-:uagli c con tcmpor• anc:uncntc , ·i C a nchc la tcs - s itlu-:i. la I inlur:1, c l'app1·ct to per ogni gcncrc di stoffa sia d:1 uomo chc cb donn :1. A Br:1dfonl si bbhrirano una varictit il limitata di tessuti di pura la11~1 , l:1na c sc1 a , lana c cotonc, mohair, scta artifkialc al pacca cd anche Jelle fodere. L:1 scclta C molto vasta c c:.1p:1cc di sodd isfa rc i gusti pill difficili . Da Parigi al Perl!, da P ictrohurgo a Pcl,ino, le sto!Tc Ui Br:1dford sono con• oscil1tc c prcfcritc per le loro innumcrcvoli huonc qua liU1. T utti i,:li ::ibiti cl1c si trovano nci qua dri VI I., V III. e IX. sono fatti cun dclle stoITc di B radford. Basta de] rcsto gclta rc un colpo d 'occhio sullc vclrinc chc contengono le storrc. pcico1wincen;cnc. P er forsi un'idca dclla scricco111plcta<lci tcssuti chc si fobbric:mo in 13i-adford, s'impicglicrchbero dcllc giol'll:ttc intierc a visit:1rc i 1m1g:1zzini c la gran<li fobbri<.:hc di qucsta citt:i.. Gli otto quadri scgucnti hanno lo scopo di di most r:.ire i princip:tli processsi nclla fabb ri c:1zionc dci tcssuti di pura bn:1, per i quali I3rad• ford C gius1a111cnte rinornata la migliorc in tutto ii mondo. 10 Observations Ge"ne"rales. Pour le pcignage et pour le fil:1gc de la lainc Bradford n 'a p:1s d'i:g::d. On y bit aussi le tiss:1gc, la tcint ure et l'apprCt de tout genre de t issus pOlll" vCtcmcnts d"homme et de femme. 11 sc fobriquc ;l Bradford uncvariCt<: illimiti:edc tissus de pure b inc, l:1inc et soie, laine et co l' on, moh:ii r, soie artifkicllc, alpaga, ain s i que lcs doublurcs. Le choix en est :1sscz gr:1nd pour satisf:.1i rc au x goUts des pcrsonncs lcs phis di ffici lcs. De Paris :w PCrn u, de St. Pctcrsbourg, ~L , les Ctoffcs de I3radford sont connucset pri:fCrCes a cause de lcurs nombreuscs bonncs qualiti:s. Taus lcs costu111cs qu i se I rouvcnt dan .; lcs tableaux \ ' I I.. VI 11. cl IX. sont fa its de tissus ~'.c Br:1dford. II suflit du rc s!c de jeter un co11p d 'ccil sur Jes vitr inesqui contienncnt lcs CtofTes pour s'cn con\'ai11crc . P our sc faire unc idCe de la sCfic comrlCtc des tissus q ue fob· riquc Bradford, on mettrait dcsjournCcsc111 iCrcsi.l visiter lcs m:igasins et lcs grandes f:dwiqucs de ccltc vi lle . Les ncu f tableaux s ui v:wts ont k but de nc dCmontrer quc ks pri11cip:1u.-.: procCdl:s dans l:.i n,:111uf:1cturc des tissus pure !:tine , p:-iw· les· quels Bradford cst £1 juste ti tre re 110111111Cd a11s lL· rnondc cnticr.